Find out whats happening with H.O.M.E Find out whats happening with H.O.M.E Find out whats happening with H.O.M.E 1st floor block and balcony completed 14/04/24 Smiles, dancing and singing all round as they celebrate end of academic year in Nii Kwatei 27/07/24 All results are in for the final year exams! We are extremely proud of all the students for a 62% increase in exam results! 10/08/24 Our latest volunteer Neesh who brought donations from the UK and handed them out to local schools in the area 17/05/24 Most of the plastering is complete, False ceilings being fitted in the lower classrooms. 04/05/24 Nico and Ash taking stage on our soft launch of the skill centre 11/05/24