Sponsor a Teacher

Our teachers play a pivotal role in child education, and their responsibilities are far from easy. To add to the challenge, a significant portion of them are also dedicated mothers, balancing the care of their own children with teaching throughout the day. By sponsoring a teacher, you not only contribute to the education of the students but also provide vital support for these teachers and their families. Upon committing to sponsorship, you will receive regular updates on their progress and how your support has made a difference in their lives

All the money goes into the wage of of the teacher and food for the day. We like to support our teachers as much as we can, so H.O.M.E ensures they get bonuses and their children can attend the school for no cost.
Per Month: Per Annum:
GBP-£35 GBP- £420
USD- $42.50 USD- $510
EUR- €40.25 EUR- €483

When commiting to sponsering a teacher you will recieve updates on how they are doing to keep you in the loop and how your helping contribute to Nii Kwartei Academy.

You will be redirected to our secure payment provider.