Our Origin Story

How it started

Ash and Tom went out to Ghana with the incentive to go out and volunteer for a charity for 4 weeks.

They immediately fell in love with the work and community and during this period stumbled across an old beaten up church which schooled 40 children aging from 1 to 16 with only 1 teacher.

Saddened by the condition of the school, the hygiene and resource’s they decided to stay and build a proper facility for the kids.

After 9 months, a fund raiser, maxing out credit cards and help from a number of other volunteers they were able to build 5 classrooms, toilet facilities, a library, cooking facilities, and a playground.

The school is doing well today with over 70 students now attending. They still support the school today to help run it but made a promise to themselves they’d be `back to make a greater impact for the community!

So their story continues….

Building a nursery

Lewis following the journey of his big sister Ash, was eager to come out and help make a difference with them and decided to leave his job to get the next flight out to Ghana. With his hard work ethic and determination he was able to stay out until the local school was completed, but he knew his work was not yet done in this part of the world.

Thats when the three came together to start planning towards creating a bigger impact within the community. Together, they founded H.O.M.E, an organisation dedicated to making a positive difference in the community.

Fun day outs with the kids